Core Team

Camply is a young and dynamic team. We develop, improve, and market hi-tech products, arrange partner relationships, and service our clients.
Guy Hawkins
I’m a full-time travel blogger from Boston (Cambridge, to be exact). But mostly, I’m just a guy with a passion for traveling. The journey never really ends.
Jenny Wilson
I am a photographer. But mostly I'm just a girl who loves to travel and capture moments that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Bessie Cooper
I am your guide and organizer of the most interesting trips. Extreme, relaxation, beautiful landscapes and cozy evenings in good company - all this is in our travels
Anna Cooper
I am a photographer. But mostly I'm just a girl who loves to travel and capture moments that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Emma Hawkins
I’m a full-time travel blogger from Boston (Cambridge, to be exact). But mostly, I’m just a guy with a passion for traveling. The journey never really ends.
Floyd Miles
I am your guide and organizer of the most interesting trips. Extreme, relaxation, beautiful landscapes and cozy evenings in good company - all this is in our travels
Our goal is to improve the quality of life in our communities.
We are passionate about sharing the boating lifestyle
We sweat the small stuff
We help to create lifelong memories
We are selfless team players
We are committed to doing the right thing, right now
We cultivate meaningful relationships
Aim for positive
Integrity, do what is right
Lead by example
Why we are better
Nautical Boat Club® is the easy, fun, affordable alternative to renting, leasing or buying a boat. Experience the difference Boating Country Club® membership offers over other boating options – including other boat clubs!
We are passionate about sharing the boating lifestyle
We sweat the small stuff
We help to create lifelong memories
We are selfless team players
We are committed to doing the right thing, right now
We cultivate meaningful relationships